ADN #033: Comparison Is A Killer

Hey Friends -
Welcome to the Artist Development Newsletter.
Every Sunday, I send an email providing actionable tips for artists
and industry in one area of the music business.
Last week we talked about how to get editorial playlisting as an
independent artist.
You can re-read last week’s newsletter here if you want to refresh.
Today’s newsletter will be shorter than usual.
The reason?
It’s a straightforward piece of advice.
Let’s get into it.
Comparison is a killer.
No two artists are the same.
No two bands are alike.
Even if they dress identically and play the same songs, they’ll be different.
Different personalities, perspectives, experiences, strengths, weaknesses, etc.
The bottom line, comparing our path to anyone else’s is an exercise in futility.
Take that energy and put it towards your goals.
There is a small window from the moment you start your musical journey until that window closes.
With consistent focus on your goals, the window will stay open longer.
With a consistent focus on comparison, other artists will pass you by.
Build the world you wish existed for yourself and your fans.
That is the only focus.
See you next Sunday -
For help with focus and organization, check out the past newsletters below.
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