ADN:036 — Make A Later List & Never Leave An Idea Behind

Artist Development
2 min readJul 30, 2023


Hey Friends -

Welcome to the Artist Development Newsletter.

Every Sunday, I send an email providing actionable tips for artists and industry on one area of the music business.

Last week we talked about how to expand our time horizon.

You can re-read last week’s newsletter here if you want to refresh.

Today we will create a “later list” for staying focused & never running out of ideas.

Let’s go — ->


I was listening to a podcast earlier this week & the concept of a “later list” popped up.

It grabbed my attention because it’s something that I’ve done for a long time but never put a name to it.

It’s a simple concept that is very powerful for staying focused in the current moment you are in & for saving ideas for your future self to act upon.

In the first Artist Development Newsletter, I wrote about how humans have an average of 6200 thoughts daily.

A “later list” helps you capture your best ideas on any given day and save them so they don’t get in the way of your current work.

Have an idea but need more time to implement it?

Drop it in your “later list” so you will remember!

The beauty of this concept is it helps move your ideas out of the way so you stay focused on the task at hand, AND you will create a never-ending stream of ideas to work on in the future.

Here is a simple example of a later list.

You can save this Google Sheet by clicking on “file” & then “make a copy.”

If Google Sheets isn’t your thing, keep a running list in your iPhone notes or wherever you keep ideas.

The next time you find yourself with an idea you don’t have time for or want to remember, drop it in your later list!

Ok, that’s it for today.

See you next Sunday-

Neil Mason

Artist Development

PS — I’ve added a couple of mini E-Books to the website.

They are free, so grab them!

Artist Development Tips For Songwriters

How To Schedule 1 Month Of Social Media In 1 Day


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